Monday, August 22, 2011

Max wants to marry............

Recently, we went shopping for school supplies, after I had tennis league.  I couldn't figure out why Madeline and Ella became enthusiastic about my tennis league when just a couple weeks ago they complained about the death of brain cells from boredom that resulted from spending an hour and a half there.  This time, I noticed they brought their purses, and learned that they discovered the gumball machine upstairs.

Since they had their purses, they were ready for school shopping.  After the first store, I explained to them that we were only going to focus on what was on the list, and that I needed to concentrate so I could find what was on sale.  In short, I asserted that we would buy nothing unless it was on the list.  To which Ella promptly informed me, "Well, then, I might have to run away, since you won't ever let me buy anything".  I informed her she was welcome to buy her school supplies.  To which she replied, "She would maybe drop out of school, because she was interested in more things than school supplies".  

We did get to the other store after stopping at my friends house.  Maybe I was feeling bad or worried, but her grandkids were having a lemonade stand, and I bought each child lemonade and a cookie.  They were in better spirits while we finished up school shopping.  

I was watching a cartoon with the kids, and had the following conversation with Max:
Max:  "Mom, those guys are getting married" (big smile)
Me:  "yes, they are getting married.  Do you like that?"
Max:  "yes"
Max:  "I am going to marry you, Mommy" (big smile).
Me:  "you want to marry me"? (big smile)
Max:  " yes, I marry you".

4th of July- Max and Ava swimming on the sandbar at the Zumbro river.  

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