Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Time Out

This morning, when all my children were acting like two year olds, I took a time out.  In my bedroom.  With the door locked.  I took Sammy with me of course.   I received multiple threats and disparaging remarks.  Some of the more memorable were:

  • You're not being a good mom.
  • I'm going to miss my bus and your going to get in trouble
  • You're acting like a two year old, and it's not good.
  • If you don't open the door right now, I'm not going to give you a mothers day present. (this was the most popular comment, I heard it about 10 times.)(this was particularly funny coming from Kind Madeline because Ryan had given her 5 dollars to buy a mothers day present at her school, and she spent only 1 dollar on my present so that she could keep the other four for herself.)
    note under the door by Madeline

    note under the door by Ella (we are not getting you a present)


  1. Laughing!!! To bad we don't live by each other then we could have taken a time out together yesterday and your kids could have watched mine.

  2. Can't stop laughing! Maybe I do need some girls just so I can get these type of comments.
