Monday, December 27, 2010

What a Find

Thanksgiving at the Swapps' found the boys divvying up remnants from childhood (not to mention from their parents' childhoods).  Since we've carried around Ryan's remnants of childhood from Utah to Virginia (I think he left them home when we went to Slovenia) and now to Minnesota, without once opening or paying homage to these boxes, I was a little hesitant about adding to our storage.  

Ryan has assured me that his backup plan, should medicine not pan out after these many years, would be to sell all of his old baseball cards, all of which are in immaculate condition.  I told him it might be a good time right now to sell them and kill two birds with one stone- we won't have to carry them around any more, and we could leap (well maybe hobble is a better word) out of the forced medicinal life of poverty that ends in middle age.

Nevertheless, we found this gem ( along with our new fake Christmas tree-to which I've been converted) among the baseball cards.  From what I gathered, this was worn by Ryan and perhaps all the boys as babies. It's quite stunning, and Sam has received many complements from it, especially when I proudly tell people that Ryan wore it as a baby.  

Since the only remnants of my childhood are the numerous beloved brothers and sisters I grew up with and the still wooded hills of Virginia, I can appreciate being able to see this outfit into the next generation.

Here's Sam in his element- removing everything from any drawer that won't fit a rubberband, and seeing how it rolls, or spills out  or crashes.

I've found Max to be quite the chaos contributor.  My rubberbands that hold the doors together have continued to disappear, and I recently dicovered that Max removes them for Sam and then joins Sam in whatever havoc he engages in.  

That is the price, I can only reassure myself of taking a shower, or vacuuming, or fixing dinner.  Sam has his favorite spots.  The garden tub in our bathroom is one.  Whatever isn't bolted down finds it's way there.  It's always the strangest assortments, like the pillows Sam managed to pull off my bed and chuck in the tub along with my makeup maneuved out of my drawer.  I thought to myself, "Well, Sam, I definitely wouldn't have envisioned those two together, but I see that you pulled it off magnificently".  It's almost sacrilegious how he manages to put together the most devastating of companions.  Like last week when I found him and Max in the kitchen, rolling bottles of carbonated water after they shook them up and down.

His outfit does make it a little easier to bear though, I get a smile watching him walk around in it.

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